The convergence of internet shopping has proven to be a challenge for Carrefour in Singapore. According to Singstat, internet broadband penetration experienced a double-digit growth in the past years. The implication of it as reported in the report was growth in the internet shopping sector in Singapore. In view of this trend, the challenge faced by Carrefour Singapore was the absence of internet shopping on its sites.
Wile its competing competitors (Cold Storage and FairPrice) had well established online shopping system. This essentially means that Carrefour is missing out on this share of the pie. And in future, if Carrefour is to introduce an online shopping portal, Carrefour will have to overcome the marketing and publicity barriers to make it portal known.
A jointed publication by PricewaterhouseCoopers and TNS Retail Forward acknowledge the changing landscape of retail environment. It states that with the changing of demographics, the Baby Boomers will no longer be the main target market for retailing.
Instead, Gen Y and X will be the mainstream focus for revenue and growth. As this is a diverse group in how they shop, where they shop and how they spend their money. This will represent a challenge to traditional retailing. Additionally, consumers will increase their focus on purchasing products from socially responsible and “greenfriendly” manufacturers and retailers.
This is yet another challenge to Carrefour as they have yet embrace themselves in a Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) statement/commitment. Carrefour's competitors however, had been actively involve in the arena of CSR for years with Cold Storage hosting its "Child Run Marathon" last Sunday and FairPrice to donate up to S$50 million to its Foundation within 10 years to aid needy families.
Therefore, for Carrefour to be profitable and growing, it must appeal to the growing market segment and to do so, engage themselves in a CSR statement/commitment.